Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More from Creede, CO

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Work-August 2008

This image was taken about fifteen minutes after the first one just below.  A good deal of the fog has already burned off and I was trying to capture the light in this tree.  Same film, same camera, just minutes apart.  Quite a difference.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Work-August 2008

Creede, Colorado
elevation 8852 ft.

This image was made on a scenic loop just after sunrise in August.  I made 10 images in a span of about 45 minutes and this is the first of the roll. At this high elevation, a low fog sits in this mountain loop in the early morning and quickly burns away in the rising sun in Creede.  The next image, taken only 15 minutes or so after this one, has a completely different mood to it. 
It will be up on Friday.